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HWE Composition Contest
Submit Your Entry - Step 2 - Score & Recording
Instructions for uploading Score and Recording files
Click "Submit Files" below. A new window will open.
Click "Choose files".
Select the PDF file for your score and click "Open".
Click "+ Add more files".
Select the MP3 file for your recording (up to 25 MB) and click "Open".
Fill in your first name, last name, and Email address.
Click "Upload".
Return to this window and click "Next".
Score: Submit a PDF of the score formatted for 8.5” x 14” or 8.5” x 11” printing. No handwritten scores or parts will be accepted. Judging will be anonymous. Do NOT put your name on the score.
Recording: Submit either a live (non-concert performance) or MIDI sound file. Recordings must be MP3 format, up to 25 MB only.
​After completing the file submission window,
return to this window and click "Next".
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